Hand Fragmentation Grenade

Posters can be composited from various image sources, transformed and colour graded to match.
60MM High Explosive Round

Low quality graphics can be enhanced or redrawn to upscale.
40MM Grenade Launcher

A series of posters can be themed for each school.
QR Codes
A poster can have multiple overlays of QR web links.

What are QR Codes
QR web links can provide additional information to your fingertips.

QR codes linked to Instructional or Information Videos uploaded to Youtube. PDF download links. Links to Assessments and Knowledge Checks. Information updates.

Generic illustrations are a very cost effective way to tell a story if resources are not available.

Evan Floyd Digital Training Multimedia Producer
Before starting your Blended Learning project, you must fill out a Project Initiation Document (PID) or a Work Order Request (WOR). However, feel free to contact me for some guidance towards some possible solutions to achieve your end goals.